UK Property News

Modern Method of Auction

Why You Should Sell Your Property Using the Modern Method of Auction

Introduction: Have you ever considered selling your UK property through the Modern Method of Auction (online auction)? In today's fast-paced property market, online auctions, known as the Modern Method of Auction, have gained popularity as an efficient and effective way to sell properties. In this article, we will explore the advantages of selling your UK property using the Modern Method of Auction...

9 Tips to Sell Your House Quickly

9 Tips to Sell Your House Quickly

Selling a home can be a stressful process in itself, and one of the main reasons a house may stay on the market is that there are a few things putting people off. Being organised and spending a little bit of money to make your home look its best can considerably reduce the time it takes to sell your home and thus reducing this stress. We have put together a list of 9 tips for selling a house because...

Build to Rent and Community Benefits

Build to Rent and Community Benefits

The concept of Build to Rent (BTR) and more specifically, its regional iteration, BTR suburban communities, is a relatively new property type. BTR, together with private market housing and affordable housing, falls within the C3 Use Class. But developers and operators of this innovative form of property development are now asking the question, should it be bound by the same limitations as traditional...

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